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MulticoreBSP for Java

MulticoreBSP is at version 1.1 as of 30/10/2011.

The MulticoreBSP for Java library is free (see below); please feel free to use, adapt, or improve the library. Software already using the MulticoreBSP library can be found here. The library is available in the following formats:

All software listed above is released under the GNU LGPL v3 license; see also the GNU GPL v3 license.

All documentation is found here.

Known issues

See the forum.

Reporting bugs

If you find bugs, or wish to suggest improvements or have other general comments, please use the forum or contact us.


For a version history, see the changelog.

BSPedupack for Java

This software collection was used to test the Java MulticoreBSP library. It is available as a separate download and described in further detail in the software section. BSPedupack is licensed under the GPL, version 3.

Java MulticoreBSP Utilities

These utilities are used extensively by BSPedupack for Java, but the functionality provided can be applied more generally. It is therefore available as a separate download, and described in further detail in the software section. These utilities are still considered part of the Java MulticoreBSP library and is therefore also licensed under the LGPL, version 3.